¿Donde queda el cielo?

¿Donde queda el cielo?

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Highlighting ideas: Audiovisual Culture

Nowadays we can´t think our lives without videos, them can express everything that we want to say. motion pictures are use to have more influence even than academic essays for a big part of the society. But are those videos a real expresión of our society? Are filmmakers really interested in being the truthful face of our audiovisual reality?

The image has evolve as an horizontal branch in every aspect of our lives. Fiction Films are intended for entertain, Documentary Films to catch reality and transform every  take into a diegetic structure with an intention that will probably cause  empathy with the audience. Institutional videos have the power  to enforce the workers into a single community. Even we have created a lot of categories to understand the porpouse of an audiovisual production.

Films can be though as a nostalgical expression of our dreams, that´s why fiction started as soon as we got motion graphics. In a first way we try to document in motion Graphics but was this  the real porpouse of the camera. A single photograph Could Express the entire tesis of a situation.

The creation of new ways of audiovisual languages have affect our real live but that´s not the real cause, we can think that´s reciprocal in the way economy evolve, theories of postmodernism, and inmediaty have influence our lives. The way we speak, how Fast we need to talk in order to not bored our friends… Are slow-speakers wiser than I? Or is the Fast think as Pierre Bourdieu said: the reflection of our dumbness?

We can think that Films are only for a small  group from the elite but nowadays we can see that most of the people can handle a camera and have the possibility to be seen by millions of people. Finally that´s perfect in the way “the image as a reflection of our society”.

Getting the audiovisuals democratic has been one direct consequence of the economy race. Politicians have approach this facility to get into people´s intimidacy and stablish a new way of proselitism. We can understand this phenomenon taking a look into the increase of internet fluence in social networks during the election period.

I don´t aim to to stablish limits in this topic, neither making value judges in what´s how should be audiovisual culture. I´m just rumble into different ideas that influence the way we can embrace this topic. All this factors may suffer spontaneous changes because they are direct influenced by the market, politics, and every component that comform a way to understand culture by itself.

Looking for freedom

Freedom, in French “liberté”, how can we get it? Do we need to fight to get? In my country (Colombia) the answer has been “yes” for more than 60 years.

It´s said that “freedom comes with culture”. But I don´t agree. Sometimes I think that freedom comes in every book you read, but when I´m rambling while I read, I can´t forget my country is another slave from the war.

It´s  unussual to hear that you are always trying to slave yourself, you can feel this during a long workday, or when you love someone insanely. That´s true because there´s a lot of circunstances that can slave yourself without the need of another person. Yoga tries to fee yourself for a while but I think this practice just enforce your self steem in order to handle your worries. As Academy or work does too.

You are not free waiting at the back of a window, you are not free living in your country house while a silly dead waits for you.
I´m not pretending that Freedom is imposible, I´m just want to look at freedom with contempt. we are responsable for making freedom an imposible word. "Liberté" "1789". We are guilty... by far. We will be guilty for happiness.

I hear stories, I read stories, I watch stories, not all of them are fictous. I tell stories to my mom everyday. Those are not real at all. The way we think have made them special. Short stories, at least with a little help from our imagination.

Personally for me freedom is in the same position of work, laugh, or conversate. I just try to Live, that´s my word I don´t need nothing else. I´m not constantly looking after "Live", I dont need to do something to live. I´m free just by living.